All over the world, kidney disease has become a major health problem among adults and children alike. The proliferation of processed foods and instant meals has cost us the deterioration of humanity’s natural taste for organically healthier foods.
Chronic kidney disease is a growing public concern as it causes a variety of other illnesses which may lead to terminal cases. People with chronic kidney disease have 3x increased risk of experiencing a cardiac arrest than those without the disease. Also, patients who have hypertension and/or diabetes will almost likely incur kidney diseases.
In Australia alone, 1 in every 3 person has a heavy likelihood of contracting a kidney disease. Only less than 10% of those who get the condition are aware that they have it. This means that over 1.5 million Australians do not know they already have the symptoms of a kidney disease.
It is important that kidney disease is detected early on, so it can be managed and treated as appropriate. In which case, 50% of its eventual effects can be reduced while slowing down the inescapable deterioration of the kidneys.
More importantly, as with other health problems, preventing the onslaught of the disease is much better than treating the disease itself. Naturopathy doctors have always advocated that prevention is better than “cure.”
Obviously, drinking plenty of water and avoiding or lessening the intake of salty foods and processed meals should be included in this list. However, there are several food consumption tips naturopaths recommend which you may want to take heed so you can prevent kidney disease, or at least lengthen the span of time before it gets to you.
Reduce your intake of animal protein replacing it with vegetable protein
You certainly know that protein is one of the essential nutrients the body needs; it helps build muscles, repair damaged tissues, among many others. The thing is, the heavy consumption of animal meat can trigger an increase in the flow and filtration of blood into the kidneys, thereby causing the latter to work double time which makes it susceptible to strain and organ fatigue.
You cannot have enough of fruits and vegetables so eat more of them
This tip may already be obvious to you as it is advised so prevalently by doctors and nutritionists alike. Still, it still worthwhile to say it since humans can never really have enough of fruits and vegetables. Unlike the other food genres such us animal meat, sugars, and calories, of which restraint is often advised, you do not hear dieticians and fitness carers say you should refrain from eating veges and fruits.
The foods we consume generate endogenous acids, and the kidneys are the ones tasked to get rid of these acids. If not eliminated properly from your body’s systems, they can heighten your blood pressure and cause hypertension. A high consumption of meat and less of plant-produced food have been found to increase the excretion of such endogenous acids.
Clean out the waste inside the body by increasing your fibre intake
Foods and beverages high in soluble and insoluble fibre are extremely beneficial to the circulatory and digestive systems, as consuming them have been seen to be helpful in flushing out bad cholesterol and other toxins. The effect also rings true with your kidneys, and thus it helps in lowering the likelihood of acquiring kidney diseases.
Aside from vegetables, fruits, and their juices, whole grains are said to have the highest contents of healthy fibre your body will surely welcome in its pursuit of optimal health and wellness, not just for your kidneys, but for your other internal organs as well.
Kidney Health Australia. “Statistics: Chronic kidney disease in Australia.” Kidney Health Australia. Retrieved from
Kachko, R. N.D. (19 March 2015) “How to Protect Yourself From Kidney Disease.” Retrieved from
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