One of the fatal diseases that torment women of today is breast cancer. In fact, there are 15,749 projected new cases of those who are diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 for Australia alone.[1] The startling thing is, 0.92% of this statistic are men. Yes, males can get breast cancer.
For women who have been diagnosed as carrying the BRCA2 mutation and has already developed into breast cancer, most oncologists would recommend doing a mastectomy. A mastectomy is a surgical removal of the breast. In previous years, a complete removal of the breast or radical mastectomy was the standard treatment for all stages of breast cancer. Nowadays, depending on the age, menopausal status, cancer stage, and other factors, different types of mastectomy are tactically performed on the patient. These types of mastectomy are the following:[2]
- Radical mastectomy or complete removal of the entire breast
- Simple or total mastectomy which is the removal of the entire breast but leaving the lymph nodes intact.
- Modified radical mastectomy which removes the entire breast and the lymph nodes, but not including the chest muscles
- Partial mastectomy wherein the cancerous cells and the tissue surrounding them are the only ones removed
- Preventive mastectomy, sometimes called prophylactic mastectomy, which is usually done to women who had a breast cancer on one breast, and as a matter of preventive cure, the other breast is also removed.
It is a common occurrence for women who have undergone the procedure to lose their mobility right after the surgery. They usually feel tightness on their chests which gives them pain. This situation can influence the look and shape of the implants in the end.
Luckily, We Have Physiotherapy
Especially for women who just had a mastectomy procedure, it is fortunate for us in this day and age that we can gain from the benefits of physiotherapy. For such a case, the physiotherapist can perform a myofacial release which is very helpful in loosening the tight chest muscles that decrease your mobility and give you pain. The physiotherapist will enable you to find a bit of tension in your muscles and have you breathe pulling slightly along the friction of your skin.
It is recommended that you see a physiotherapy practitioner who has a specialization on breast cancer or surgery recovery. It is best that you establish a good and friendly relationship with your physio and it is advisable to have him/her teach someone who cares about you how to do simple therapy movements which can be performed at the comforts of your home. This will not only empower you bodily, but emotionally as well.
Below is a video of Laura Murton, created for “Rethink Breast Cancer.” Laura is a contributor for “Live Laugh Learn.” After being diagnosed of breast cancer, she underwent mastectomy in 2009 and eventually had a reconstructive surgery in the same year.[3] Let us hear Laura as she elaborates on how physiotherapy treatment helped her with her recovery from breast cancer after her mastectomy.