Every physician and medical practitioner wants his or her patient to be well and healthy. Whatever bodily disorder is ailing the patient, the medical professional is ever willing to provide assistance in bringing about remedy and, whenever necessary, ask the aid of specialists from other modalities. His/her concern and mission is to help people get rid of their pains and eventually achieve health and wellness.
So it is with osteopaths. In the previous issues of MedicalWebsite Infomagazine, we have discussed how osteopaths are able to help mothers recover from post-natal conditions and how babies can benefit from osteopathic treatments. In this article, we encourage you to read on as we provide you with the top reasons why normal adults like you need to visit an osteopath for a regular check and treatment.
1. Osteopathy uses natural treatments
The primary advantage of osteopathy is that it does not utilise invasive procedures and substances. The treatments are all natural because osteopaths apply pure manipulation of your joints, muscles, and bones. No drugs are necessary and, in fact, if you are undergoing treatment from a regular physician, osteopathic care will not interfere with it.
Osteopaths deal with the philosophy that the human body has the natural ability to heal itself. You need not worry about chemicals being induced into your body, which may cause some side effects later on.
2. Relief from pain
Most people will go see a doctor primarily because they are experiencing pain or sickness. Osteopaths can offer assistance for people who seek relief from pain, be it recent (acute pain) or recurring (chronic pain).
Two of the most common conditions patients seek comfort from, and wherein osteopaths are often called for, are back pain and neck pain. Most adults, due to various sedentary postures like prolonged sitting, experience stiffness of the spine resulting to aches and unpredictable spasms. The goal of the osteopath is to trim down the tensions in the muscles and ligaments of the spine in order to bring back its mobility, thus making your neck and back ease up from the stiffness.
3. Keep you functional
You may think that the pain you are experiencing is not caused by stress, but if you allow it to linger and worsen, then it will become a source of stress for you. With the many sources of stress our modern living entails, you cannot assume that your body is going to be always free from tensions. The simple act of prolonged sitting in an office chair or driving a car for a number of hours has tremendous impact on your postural health and musculoskeletal condition.
One of the objective of osteopathic treatments is to maintain your functional lifestyle – if necessary and when applicable, to keep you from experiencing debilitating body aches.
4. Minimise risks of injuries
Whether you are a person who is engaged in strenuous sport activities or who is satisfied with doing a daily jog or walking, there is always a risk of possible injury. If ever such injury happens, it can take weeks or months for you to recover and perform your usual activities.
Your visit with an osteopath once in a month or every 2 months can minimise the risk of injuries. The regular therapeutic exercises and stretches, body massage treatments, and the professional advices the osteopath employs on the patient can get your entire body parts to work together as one. The application of massage can alleviate the tensions your body endures from the physical activities, allowing it to regain its optimum condition.
If in case an injury does happen, your body which has received maintenance treatments from osteopathic care can easily recover from the trauma. Rehabilitation is much faster and softer than with someone who did not have regular osteopathic maintenance.
5. Osteopathy treats health and wellness as a whole
When we talk about complete wellness, we cannot deny the necessity to deal with the various aspects of human health. You need to take care of them overall – physical, mental, emotional, and nutritional. There is another aspect that is often ignored, and this is the MOTIONAL aspect. Motional means the body’s movements, and they too are pivotal to a human being’s health of mind and body.
In osteopathy, the practitioner focuses on treating your health and wellness in their entirety. He/she does not only deal with one dimension of the problem, but takes a look at it on how it was caused and how it affects the whole physique. Thus, osteopathy allows your body to take on the healing process faster and with better results.
6. Less expensive yet approved by local health regulatory organisations
Given that it does not make use of medications and other chemical intakes, osteopathic treatments are not going to cost you more money. It is a medical practice that is regulated and approved by the government. In Australia, the regulatory group that manages the practice of osteopathy and the accreditation of osteopaths is the Osteopathy Board of Australia.
Thus, it is not only less expensive but it is also safe and assured of quality and effectiveness.
Final Note
Pains and aches are just symptoms that the body has incurred obstructions with its normal functions. Modern living is copious with stresses and stress-causing agents. There are pollutions and waste products in both the air we breathe and the food we consume. Osteopathy can help with detoxification by improving our blood circulation.
Body tightness or stiffness, scared tissues, inflammation or swelling, bad posture, and vices all contribute to making obstructions complicate further. There are ways to avoid them and osteopathy doctors are every ready to help you do so.
Image c/o Pixabay.com
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